
  +7 (920) 217-99-93    +7 (47350) 4-13-30      invest-bobrov@govvrn.ru

To Investors
Coordinated work of all Bobrovskiy District departments is warranty of favourable conditions for residents that implement the regional projects.

One of the District main advantages is convenient geographic location. The Bobrovskiy District covers more than 4% (2,233.04 km²) of entire Voronezh Region area (52,216 km²), while agricultural land covers 1,582.19 km² (158,219 ha). Alongside with croplands, pastures, gardens and others occur coniferous and deciduous woods as well as many water basins (marshes, ponds, streams, rivers and lakes). There are also mineral and drinking water springs and flower planting sites.

The second important parameter is developed regional infrastructure. Availabile railways, federal highway, water resources, heat and electricity supply systems provide extensive business opportunities, particularly for development of new industrial production facilities.

Other District advantages are low land plot cost and available active employable population and demand for jobs.

This District is interested in mutually beneficial cooperation with entrepreneurs and has perfectly prepared sites for doing industrial production business.

Head of Bobrovskiy
Municipal District Administration
A. I. Balbekov

We Offer
Effective Mutual Interaction

of administrative departments with residents


of Bobrovskiy Industrial Park


to new initiatives

One-Stop Service

that reduces numerous bureaucratic issues


on long-term partnership

Rendering of Support

during project implementation, loyalty and support from the side of Region government and Distric administration authorities

The Bobrovskiy Industrial Park itself has 370 ha of free lands (total area is 464 ha), electricity networks, gas supply, water supply and water discharge systems, motor roads and railways. The nearest settlement Sloboda has 500 ha of free land plots, electricity, natural gas, water supply, motor roads and railways.

We have the entire regulatory framework to support the investment activity. The administration employees are specialists of all ranks and have the required professional competencies and skills necessary to work with partners.

Among commercial activities, the main investment trend at the District area is construction and reconstruction of agricultural and industrial facilities.

The social sector activities are construction of educational institutions, sport centres, road and cultural facilities.

The District area large and medium enterprises currently carry out the following types of activity:
Production and construction of wooden houses

Production of reinforced-concrete and composite products

Processing of agricultural products

Heat energy generation

Energy distribution

Guitar production

Promising, profitable proposals and projects:
Cattle-breeding facilities 0
Food production 0
Production of machines, equipment, different finished products 0
Wood processing, woodwork production 0

Besides this, it is demand for investors to construct complexes and plants for mushroom growing and compost production, production and processing of turkey meat, freezing of vegetables, production of canned meat, and processing of industrial rubber goods.

Small and medium business participate in formation of the middle class and are represented in the District by chain stores and sales points, dining facilities, construction companies, transport depots. Also, specifically small business enterprises render services for making up clothes, leather accessories, practise joinery and sawing of furniture blanks.

Year on year, companies producing and distributing electricity, gas and water demonstrate stability in functioning and development. The leading District industry sector is agrarian (food; cereals, vegetable oil, bakery and confectionery products are produced more often than others).

Our foreign partners:

The projects are on the way, but it seems fair to say that these investors have created hundreds of jobs at new, modern plants, contributed from 1 to 5 billion RUB for the District development and extended the product manufacturing range.

Among competitive District advantages, we see opportunity to implement inter-regional cooperation projects and global development of economy sectors based on local resources.

Land is the main Disrict natural resource; soils and climate are favourable for growing of temperate crops.

According to the District Head Report for 2018, since 2016 the volume of raised investments has increased from 4.4 billion RUB to 7.3 billion RUB.

Among competitive District advantages, we see opportunity to implement inter-regional cooperation projects and global development of economy sectors based on local resources.

This indicator continues to grow in 2019. Indicators in all spheres such as health care, educational system, sports, cultural-education and tourism sector have increased.

According to 2018 data, this District is ranked as seventh by level assessment of social and economic development and has positive economy dynamics. Agricultural lands occupy more than 70% of the District area, and particularly this sector is the basis of local economy.

This is why, the municipal authorities hurl into development of agricultural sector and support small and medium business, etc. The main economy branches are processing industry and agriculture (crop production, poultry farming and cattle breeding) as well as trade and food service industry.

The Bobrovskiy Information and Consulting Centre and its partners (banks, funds) help businessmen to apply for subsidies, giving small enterprises access to financial resources (lending). There are special municipal target programs of entrepreneurship development.

Beside that, individual entrepreneurs and farmers regularly receive on-reimbursable grants from federal, regional and local budgets.

This indicator continues to grow in 2019. Indicators in all spheres such as health care, educational system, sports, cultural-education and tourism sector have increased.

We always welcome new offers and are open for cooperation